Account Takeover Through Open Redirect
The program had an endpoint that was open to redirection vulnerability. By combining this vulnerability with authentication functionality, I was able to take over the user’s account.
Open Redirection Vulnerability:
Original Request
- The application had an endpoint like this /logout that takes a GET parameter called r.
- The parameter r takes an endpoint to be redirected to like this /logout?r=/dashboard.
- So I tried to put a valid host to see what it does like this logout?r=
- The application redirected me, so I knew that I could play with it to see what else I could get.
- I tried to set the hostname to another domain like r= and the application responded with invalid redirect uri.
- Knowing this I thought of listing some payloads to try out:
The last one was the road to success from this list. However, it’s still no redirection because the application will always redirect to itself.
- So at first, why did we try these payloads? - When I try to find an open redirection, I first try to know what URL format is allowed or understandable by browsers. So, the meaning of is that you are trying to access as username john. You can try this on Firefox or Chrome. - So, by knowing this, I was thinking, what if the developer is using a regex that validates this format, and when someone tries to change the value of r to he validates it as a valid value because he knows that it’s the same thing. The user will be redirected to at the end, too. - Another question comes to mind. What is the set of characters allowed before @ I tried to test it on the browser to see what is allowed. And, I have found that the browser when I put an encoded value like this john%2f as a username, validates it and sees it as a valid value. You can try it - I tried to set r to and sent the request. The response successfully redirected me to - So, let’s break down the payload. - The application validates this as a valid format. - So I tried to inject / in the payload but double-encoded like this - It’s double encoded because if I encode once, it will reach the web server decoded one time. - The payload reaches the code at the other end like this - Then the response returns the redirection like this - As you can see, the browser will treat / as a path to and the redirection successfully happens to
- Another important thing is that the /logout endpoint sends any get parameter with the new redirection like this /logout?r= the redirection will be like this
Exploited Request
Exploiting The Login Functionality.
Original Request
- The application has the functionality to send you a magic link to log in with it. This endpoint takes span style=”color:red”>email</span> and redirect_uri parameters. So, after trying to find a vulnerability in the email, I tried to find out what I could do with the redirect_uri.
- The redirect_uri takes a URL, and the application appends a JWT token to it as a GET parameter and sends it to the user.
- So, I tried to play with the hostname of this URL to try and find an open redirection, but with no clue.
- But, what if I could edit the path of the URL like this I tried it and sent the request, and when I looked at my mail, I found that the magic link is like this
- Okay great, Can I combine this with the open redirection I have found before? set the redirect_uri to
- And the magic link sent was like this
- Clicking the link, I was redirected to
- Doing this, I was able to get the JWT as an attacker, and using the JWT, I could log in.
- So the same scenario applies if you want to target another user. You need an email, and after collecting the JWT, you can use it to log in to the user’s account.